Thursday, March 31, 2011

Katie Holmes Feeding Suri Cruise Penis Candy

Well, this is so not true. Katie Holmes brought the child to a children store called Serendipity which is situated in New York.  Katie was unsuspecting that the store displays *censored* guy body part candies and without her noticing it, Suri grabbed some of those "adult" gummy candies and to her surprise Suri was holding those surprisingly disturbing candies. =D~~

Well, as a mother you were probably not expecting to see such candy designs in a store dedicated for kids and imagine how you would react if you see one and your child holding one. It will definitely take you by surprise. Before Katie could react the Paparazzi were taking photos of Suri Cruise holding those scandalous candy. They placed the candies back to its rack but it was too late. The paparazzi now has a photo of Suri and those "adult" boy body part candies. Rumor spread about how she feeds her child with such scandalous gummy bears. However, the truth was, she wasn't feeding her child no Penis Candy.

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