Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Ulzzang Shi Dae Season 3 (Eng Sub)

At the meantime, there is only one website you can find Eng sub of Uljjang S3.
You can watch the videos from the site below. Just look for Uljjang entry and there will be a link that will lead you to the sites she uploaded the vids. However, the subber and uploader of the vids are currently out of the country and have been out of the country and will only return after 2-3mos. from today' update (March 27, 2013) they're out on a vacation and promised to post more vids once they return. They forgot to bring the copy of their subbed vids on their laptops and thus unable to upload any of the remaining episodes.

Eng sub S3 can be found in this link below:


Monday, May 16, 2011

Rebecca Black Pregnant

This is so not true. Although I think this is better than being rumored dead. But still, poor girl. She has received numerous of negative comments.. Wait. Did I say numerous? I should say millions of negative remarks about her song "Friday" which is being made into a laughing stock and hated worldwide. She is just 13.. People should give her a break. She is even receiving death threats, heesh, the poor girl. At least she is strong enough to be taking all these bad/negative stuff calmly as possible.

Anyhow, Rebecca is not pregnant.