Thursday, January 27, 2011

With a hat that size, you will have no trouble

Anyone seen Rihanna's hairdo? From a Bob Marley do it went to old Mcdonald hairstyle which is just funny. I dunno whats gotten into Rihanna's head. With a flamin' red Mcdonald hairstyle, it is truly difficult not to spot here in the crowd. 

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Breaking Dawn: Cullen Family Photo

I found this really cool photo of Edward, Bella and Renesmee Cullen. What do you think?

"She has the same facial features and hair color as Edward, but has her grandfather, Charlie Swan's, curly hair, and brown eyes like Bella. Bella and Jacob describe her as being the most beautiful person in the world, even though she is so young. Her heart pumps blood, giving her a blush, and her pale skin glows in the sunlight. Her skin is warm and soft to the touch, but it is as strong as a vampire's. Renesmee can survive on either blood or human food, though she prefers blood, and she does not produce venom. Her special abilities are transmitting thoughts to others by touching their skin and penetrating shields, the opposite abilities of each of her parents."